The Kyrgyz Republic located on the north-eastern part of the Central Asia is one of the most interesting highlands in the world – Central Tien-Shan.  It stretches 925 km from west towards east and 453 km from north towards south.  The boundaries go along natural lines, i.e. rivers and mountain ranges;  and its border with China is of the longest length.  The total area of the Kyrgyz Republic is 198,500 km2.
Kyrgyzstan is a country with bright sun, high mountains covered with snow and eternal glaciers, deep gorges, wide green valleys, dry steppes, swift rivers, and beautiful mountain lakes.
The Issyk-Kul is the largest lake, the second-largest mountain lake on the planet that never freezes and it is the fine resort zone.
The climate and attractive landscape of the Kyrgyz Republic create favorable conditions for a variety of an animal and flora that provides good possibilities to relax and develop hunting tourism. Over 100 kinds of wild animals and birds out of all the variety are the objects of various hunting.  The following ones prevail: an ibex, a wild boar, a roe, a marmot, a hare, a fox, a wolf, a keklik (mountain partridge), an ular (mountain blackcock), and a pheasant.  Three kinds of wild mountain goats dwell over Kyrgyzstan, namely, Ovis ammon polii, Ovis ammon karelini, and a small population of Ovis ammon severtzovi.
The “MK-Travel” firm that has its own hunting lands in the Central Tien-Shan Mountains offers you an exclusive chance to visit and enjoy the splendid corners in our nature.
The tourist hunters are interested to receive trophies of such kinds of the wild animals hunted as Ovis ammon polii, Siberian mountain goat, and Siberian roe. A wild boar, a wolf, a fox, a mountain blackcock (ular), a mountain partridge (keklik), and pheasant could also be the objects of hunting for foreign hunters.
A wide experience of guides serving for our firm enables hunters to bag fine trophies, and you will have a chance to bring home not only a fantastic trophy but also to enrich oneself with a plenty of interesting information about the culture and every-day life of the Kyrgyz people and the nature of the mountain lands.
In addition, since 2004 our firm has been taking a direct participation in the Governmental Program to study the state of populations of wild mountain goats dwelling in the Kyrgyz Republic. The Kyrgyz scientists jointly with Russian and American scientists hiring the specialists and huntsmen of our firm are implementing the project over the territory of our hunting grounds.  The results received will be used to study the state of all the population of the wild goats that dwell in Kyrgyzstan and give scientifically grounded recommendations to its rational use.

We are offering a rough program for hunter tourists.


Hunting terms:

August through December

Duration of a tour:

10 days.

Area for hunting:

Highlands of the Internal Tien-Shan in Naryn and Issyk-Kul Oblasts, at the altitude of over 3500m above sea level.

Ovis ammon polii dwells on the highlands in the Central Tien-Shan, in the places where there are no steep slopes, rocks, and glaciers. The landscape where the mountain goats dwell represents a high-mountainous plateau. Besides Kyrgyzstan, Ovis ammon polii can also be met in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, China, and Pakistan. The Ovis ammon polii is a large long-horn mountain goat that has the most striking horns among all wild goats.
A good gun (7mm Rem.Mag, 300 Win.Mag caliber is preferred) and skills for shooting on 200m distance is a pledge for successful hunting for the mountain goat. A proper calisthenics is required as well. It is attributed by the high-mountainous conditions for hunting and oxygen insufficiency at the altitude above 2,500-3,000 m. Some skills of riding on horses that considerably lighten movement of hunters in mountains are also preferred.
Accommodation: The hunter camps provide all the required conditions to stay comfortably, i.e. heating, equipment, saddle horses, cozy small houses and yurts for habitation, electrical illumination, bath – saunas, and sufficient water, comfortable dining room that provides good food, and experienced guides. Hunting is on horses and on foot, by way of approaching or making a mountain goat run towards a hunter. Hunting for Ovis ammon polii one can enjoy receiving an additional trophy of a wild goat or a wolf for an extra pay.


Kyrgyzstan is well known for everybody in the world who loves classical mountain hunting on horses and wishes to obtain an excellent trophy of a wild goat. It is in Kyrgyzstan where the largest trophies were bagged.
Among all the mountain goats the Siberian wild goat is distinctive for its huge horns that are the desired trophy for any hunter. The Siberian wild goat, like all the mountain goats, can be met on remote sites of mountains with steep slopes, numerous rocks and stony taluses. Concealing is one of the main methods to hunt them. To search for trophy animals, hunters with guides on horses trained to ascend up in the mountains reach the places where the mountain goats dwell. A hunter and his guide spend a light day in the mountains. Sometimes a tent camp is set up and hunters can spend the night in the mountains to take an advantage of being closer to the places of dwelling of mountain goats and have a possibility to choose a large trophy.

Terms of hunting:

August through December.

Duration of a tour:

8 days.

Region for hunting:

Highlands over all the territory of Kyrgyzstan at the altitude of 3,000 –3,500m above sea level.


High-mountain stationary comfortable camps. All the camps are equipped and completed with all things required to effective and pleasant performance of the hunting tours.

The hunting tours are carried out on the own MK-Travel firm’s hunting grounds at the
“Borkoldoi-Too”, “Arpa”, “Ak-Sai”, and “Semiz-Bell” hunting facilities with total area of
over 200,000 hectare located over Issyk-Kul and Naryn Oblasts.


It is located in 650 km from Bishkek, in the central part of Naryn Oblast along the national border with China. The camp is at the altitude of 3,500 m above sea level. The hunting facilities cover 25,000 hectares. The hunt base includes boarding outfit cars and a kitchen-dining room.


Ovis ammon polii, Siberian wild goat, and wolf


It takes 14-16 hours to reach the base camp by motor cars through pictorial highmountain gorges, the Dolon and Torugart Passes, Ak-Sai River Valley, and the high-mountain Chatyr-Kul Lake.


Accommodation is separate in a hunter car with all facilities. In hunting outside the base camp, accommodation in tent small houses is offered. The hunters are provided with 3-times meal, experienced guides, an interpreter, and saddle horses.


ARPA is located 520 km from Bishkek on the west of Naryn Oblast along the border with China. The camp is 3,300 m above sea level. It covers 30,000 hectares of highland on which the Arpinskii grouping of Ovis ammon polii population in Kyrgyzstan dwells. The hunting base includes a VIP car provided for foreign hunters, an equipped kitchen-dining room, bathroom, electricity, saddle horses and other facilities required to hunt in mountains.


Ovis ammon polii, Siberian wild goat, and wolf


It takes 12-14 hours to reach the base camp by motor cars passing Dolon Pass (3,700 m) in pictorial high-mountain gorges crossing the Naryn River and further westward Naryn Oblast.


Accommodation is separate in a hunter car of VIP class. The camp provides bath-sauna, electricity. In hunting outside the base camp, accommodation in tent small houses is offered. The hunters are provided with 3- 5 time meal, experienced guides, an interpreter, and saddle horses. Hunting is performed on horses. Duration of the tour is 10 days of just hunting for the mountain goat and 8 days of just hunting for the Siberian wild goat.

Camp «Koichi»

BORKOLDOY-TOO is located 490 km from Bishkek in Issyk-Kul Oblast. The camp is 3,300 m above sea level. It covers 79,000 hectares of highland on which the Borkoldoiskii grouping of Ovis ammon polii population, one of the largest in Kyrgyzstan, dwells. The hunting base includes two VIP cars, an equipped kitchen-dining room, a bathroom, the required numbers of saddle horses and other facilities required to hunt in mountains.
The participators of hunting tours in this camp have a unique opportunity to visit a place in which there are ancient rock carvings that depict ibexes. The age of petroglyphs is about 10 thousand years.


Ovis ammon polii, Siberian wild goat, and wolf


It takes 12-14 hours to reach the base camp by motor cars running along scenic Issyk-Kul Lake passing Borskown Pass (3,500m) and Soek Pass (4,028m).


Accommodation is separate in a hunter car of VIP class designed for two people. In hunting outside the base camp, accommodation in tent small houses is offered. The hunters are provided with 3-time meal, experienced guides, an interpreter, and saddle horses. Hunting is performed on horses.

The hunters who come for hunting are provided with entry-visa backing and all the required papers to import and export personal guns and ammunition into/out of the Kyrgyz Republic, and licenses to hunt for wild animals. On completing hunting, the hunters are issued all the necessary papers to export their trophies, including CITES license and international vet certificate.

Contacts: +996500900700 Jackie (Bishkek)

Central Asia

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